Wedgetail is a web-based MU* client designed around the websocket library. Major advantages include: - No user configuration. All important settings are handled in a server-side configuration file. - No plugins. Many existing clients require Java or Flash to connect directly to the MU* server; by using a server-side shim, Wedgetail can use HTML5 websockets instead. - Fault-tolerance. The modern Internet doesn't do very well at keeping TCP connections open for a long period of time, leading to all kinds of finicky anti-idle and keepalive setups. Wedgetail can seamlessly re-establish sessions after brief connection losses and even IP changes. - Proxy compatibility. If the user's proxy allows them to access the client web page, they will be able to connect to your MU*, since the same channel is used. (For best proxy support, you should use port 443, the default HTTPS port, if possible. If there's an existing web server on port 443, you can reverse-proxy Wedgetail through it; see the section PROXYING VIA APACHE.) - Privacy. Even if your MU* server doesn't support TLS, you can still encrypt the client-to-server connection using Wedgetail. Wedgetail has two components; the client, which is pure Javascript and runs in the user's browser; and the server, which is also Javascript and runs under node.js. The server's job is to track client sessions, and act as a shim between Wedgetail's websocket-based protocol and the MU* server's telnet protocol. It also directly serves the client via a built-in HTTPS server, making it entirely self-contained. The server has been tested on Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. Prerequisites: - node.js - npm (the Node Package Manager) - a valid TLS certificate Installation instructions: 1. Run "npm install" in this directory. This will install the node.js dependencies needed by Wedgetail. Depending on your OS this may take a little while. 2. Copy server.ini.sample to server.ini, and edit it for your site. In particular, you will need to edit the [destination] section to point to your MU* server and the tlsCert and tlsKey variables to point to your certificates. WARNING: Do NOT use Wedgetail on a public-facing site with TLS disabled. It relies on TLS for protection against password sniffing and session hijacking. If you need an inexpensive browser- compatible certificate, free ones are available from 3. Start the server by running "node server.js" (or "nodejs server.js" on some Linux distributions.) You may want to write a startup script to automate this on your system -- or check the startup-scripts directory to see if one already exists. 4. Point your web browser at the hostname and port where Wedgetail is running and try it out, e.g. You can optionally customize the look of the client by editing public/index.html. SIGNALS SIGHUP - reload server.ini SIGINT - disconnect all clients and exit SIGTERM - same as SIGINT (included for init compatibility) SIGUSR1 - list currently connected clients PROXYING VIA APACHE If there's an existing Apache web server on the host system, you can proxy Wedgetail through it, allowing both to use the same port. Apache prerequisites: - mod_rewrite - mod_proxy - mod_proxy_http - mod_proxy_wstunnel (optional but recommended) Add the following to your SSL virtual host entry, changing "wedge" to the URL you want for your client and "8090" to the port your Wedgetail server is on. Commented lines are for Apache 2.2. --- ProxyRequests off SSLProxyEngine on SSLProxyCheckPeerName off SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off Require all granted #Order deny,allow #Allow from all RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wedge/ [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} transport=websocket [NC] RewriteRule /wedge/(.*) wss://localhost:8090/$1 [P,L] RewriteEngine on RewriteRule /wedge$ /wedge/ ProxyPass https://localhost:8090/ ProxyPassReverse https://localhost:8090/