DuckClient was a client for MUCKs, MUDs, MUSHes, MOOs, and MUDs, with a focus on conversational-style worlds. It was written entirely in Javascript as a Chrome Web App, primarily for ChromeOS devices, but also can be built as an nwjs desktop app.
Features included multi-window support, ANSI color, triggers, web link detection, TLS, and telnet negotiation support.
Due to the sunsetting of Chrome Web Apps on both desktop and ChromeOS devices, DuckClient is no longer under development. However, the source code is still available under a BSD 2-clause license.
The Wedgetail project may also be of interest; Wedgetail is a MU* client that uses a server-side shim to allow users to connect to a world via their web browser. By using a custom protocol that runs over websockets, it can support proxies, seamless reconnection, and IP roaming while still talking to the MU* server over ordinary telnet.